出版社:International Medical Journal Management and Indexing System
摘要:This is an approach proposal to the assessment and extinction predictability, through a Brain electro-Activity Map to Culture, Biases, Brain Washing, Behavior Changing, Public Opinion and similar. In this paper, we tried to propose an approach through a Brain Electro Activity Map to predict the assessment and modification possibility of Culture, Biases, Brain Washing, Behavior Changing, Public Opinion and similar. Because according our opinion, technically there is not any Neuro-Physiological difference between their acquisition and extinction. We introduced some new concepts which are flexophrenia-sclerophrenia and facilitated and automated connectomes which are always in need of expression-activity with strongly invasive components. Then by the combination of the above three concepts, with the well-known old need of stimulation (which is an implicit form of accepting the presence of a need of activity-expression), we asserted that all the above mentioned behavioral patterns onsets, durations, resistances, changes, can be approached, predicted and changed, in a similar way to each others and, can be traced as well, through the implementation of the Brain Electro Activity Map.
关键词:Culture; Biases; Brain Washing; Behavior Changing; Public Opinion; Therapy