摘要:The article discusses the fighting in the Rioni region in the period of the Crimean war, 1855–1856 years. The attention is paid to the climatic and geographical description of the territory where the fighting took place. Rioni region was a secondary theater of operations during the Crimean war. The task of the allied troops consisted of having landed in Abkhazia to start a vigorous attack on Kutais and Tiflis in order to divert the Russian army from the besieging of the Kars fortress. Among the materials are the documents of the Central state historical archive of Georgia (Tbilisi, Georgia). The scientific publications on the topic of the study, published in pre-revolutionary and modern periods, have a significant importance. The authors conclude that the airborne operation in Rioni region began in the best terms for the allies, but the slowness of the Turkish troops and the active defense of russian led to delays in the operation before the onset of autumn rains. As a result of deterioration of the sanitary situation the landing operation was terminated without reaching the success.