期刊名称:Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:Present study was conducted to evaluate resource use efficiency in hybrid and inbred rice cultivation in Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand, which was purposively selected. Three stage sampling technique was employed for constructing sampling plan. Probability proportion technique was followed to select respondents which make a sample size of 60 farmers comprising of 28 small, 17 medium and 15 large farmers from 4 villages. In this paper, we examined and compared resource use efficiency of hybrid and inbred rice varieties in study area. The results of study revealed that coefficient of multiple determinations (R2), 80 per cent, variation in the yield of hybrid rice and inbred rice. Result shows that cultivation of hybrid rice seems more profitable than inbred rice of farmers in Uttarakhand. There should be concentrated effort made to expand area under hybrid rice cultivation.
关键词:Resource use efficiency; Cob-Douglous; hybrid rice.