出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The text analyzes the transformations of domestic architecture in the central sector of the Duero river basin during the transition between the early and middle phases of the Early Iron Age Soto facies. These are connected with the political changes developed in self-sufficient communities structured under the Domestic Mode of Production. The new political framework entails disruptions in which relations of production based on symmetric exchanges are replaced by competitive ones based in asymmetric exchanges. The relationship of the latter to alliances established with foreign communities and the contribution that the ideas and exotic materials derived from these external relations had in the transformation process is considered.
关键词:Iberia;Duero river basin;Early Iron Age;Facies Soto;Domestic architecture;Domestic groups based on kinship organization;Península Ibérica;Duero medio;I-Edad del Hierro;Facies Soto;Arquitectura doméstica;Grupos domésticos de base parental