摘要:Drawing on the function of Russian as a state language the paper proposes a concept of continuous linguisticrhetorical (LR) education perceived as a means of optimizing language policy in Russian multinational regions. LR education as an innovative pedagogical system shapes a learner’s readiness for self-projection as a strong linguistic personality of a dialogical, democratic, multicultural type transformed into a professional linguistic personality at the higher school level. From the standpoint of parity and mutual complementarity of languages in the context of national-Russian bilingualism and multilingualism the article outlines principles of bi (poly) linguistic education. The latter contributes to the formation of substructures of a learner’s "primary" and "secondary" linguistic personalities on the complex basis of the integral LR competence of a mixed type with a successive formation of a learner as an active and conscientious subject of the discursive processes of the 21st century Russian multiethnic socio-cultural and educational space at all educational levels. From the process-dynamic perspective the goal of the innovative pedagogical process suggested by the system of continuous LR education in multi-national regions consists in forming a learner’s readiness for effective communicative-cognitive activity on the basis of bi(poly) linguistic LR competence of a mixed type. The components of this readiness include motivation-volitional, informational-semantic, operational-actional, empirical; the criteria for the readiness level are motivational, reflexive, theoretical, practical.