期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:This report contains the results of archaeological work performed by the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at The University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) for City Public Service (CPS). The archaeological investigation and monitoring for the Mission Trails Underground Conversion Project was carried out under Texas Historical Commission (THC) Permit Number: 2020, and the work was conducted at each of the four historical San Antonio missions which make up San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. The Mission Trails Underground Conversion Project was created to enhance and upgrade electrical and utility connections by replacing aboveground connections with underground connections at each ofthe four missions. Mission San Juan (41BX5)-In October of 1998, personnel from CAR began archaeological investigations at Mission San Juan Capistrano in advance of the proposed installation of underground utility lines for the Mission Trails Underground Conversion Project. The purpose of the investigation was to test for intact, buried cultural features in advance of trenching activities involved in the relocation of utility lines and connections. CAR archaeologists developed a plan regarding the area to be impacted which included ten 1 x 1-m excavations units and a series of twelve shovel tests along the proposed path of the utility trench. Excavation units uncovered evidence of existing buildings, wall foundations and Colonial-period flooring episodes, revealing new data west of the known structures and not previously accounted for. Further excavations are warranted to determine the nature of features such as a Colonial-period wall revealed near one of the excavation units. This material discovered by the archaeological investigations resulted in the altering of the projected utility trench alignment to avoid disturbing deposits. Further archaeological investigations are recommended for the newly revealed features. Mission San Jose (41BX3)- In January of 1999, personnel from CAR began archaeological investigations at Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo in advance of the proposed installation of underground utility lines for the Mission Trails Underground Conversion Project. The purpose of the investigation was to test for intact, buried cultural features in advance of trenching activities involved in the relocation of utility lines and connections. CAR archaeologists conducted a series of shovel tests along the center-lines of the proposed utility trenches to identifY areas of possible impact to intact Spanish Colonial cultural materials. In addition to shovel testing, monitoring of the trenching was conducted in areas where the possibility of impacting cultural material was high. An early-twentieth century trash midden