期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:This cultural resource investigation was necessitated by the proposed bridge replacement and new right-of-way and easement along the Farm to Market road at Gages Creek crossing (CSJ: 3149-02-010) by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in southern Young County. From January 29, 2007 through March 16, 2007, an archeological crew from the Cultural Resources Department of TRC Environmental Corporation’s (TRC’s) Austin office conducted data recovery excavations in part of site 41YN452 (RootBe-Gone) before any disturbance from the planned bridge replacement activities occurred. This data recovery program was conducted under TxDOT Scientific Services Contract No. 575XX SA008 and Texas Antiquities Permit No. 4003. Data recovery investigations were conducted along the western side of the existing two-lane paved road in two areas previously documented to have high concentrations of cultural activities centered on cultural features. These two areas were identified during TRC’s 2006 site eligibility assessment, which was also conducted on adjacent site 41YN450. Only the Root-Be-Gone site was accepted as eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and, therefore, subject to intensive data recovery investigations. This report provides the accepted research design that guided the analyses, describes the methods employed, discusses the excavation process, and presents detailed findings and results of technical analyses from the 50.5 m3 (144 m2) data recovery excavations for three, horizontally-separated Late and Terminal Archaic components at Root-Be-Gone. The data recovery investigations included the mechanical removal of roughly 30 to 60 cm of sediment from above a previously identified target zone, cultural materials in a buried A horizon that contained an apparent Terminal Archaic assemblage in two horizontally-separated areas. Each area was targeted by a single block excavation, labeled North and South Block, which are roughly 70 m apart and which parallel the existing right-of-way. Following the mechanical stripping to access the targeted Terminal Archaic component in the buried A horizon, hand-excavations were conducted in 1-by-1 m units in continuous blocks through the targeted buried A horizon. The target zone varied from 20 to 40 cm thick. This buried A horizon appeared to contain a single, isolated Terminal Archaic component. Root-Be-Gone (41YN452) yielded what is considered three horizontally-separate cultural components (labeled 1, 2, and 3) in the buried A horizon. This buried A horizon varied in depth from 45 to 70 cmbs. A few scattered Late Prehistoric arrow points were discovered on the surface and above the Terminal Archaic component. The younger and scattered