期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:In January 2004, Blanton & Associates, Inc., conducted an archeological survey of 8.5 hectares (21.1 acres) for a proposed roadway improvement and bridge replacement project (CSJ: 0396-04-059) along roughly 1,800 meters (m) of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) right-ofway where State Highway (SH) 317 crosses the Leon River in Bell County, Texas (Ringstaff 2004). That investigation consisted of three shovel tests, ten backhoe trenches, and five hand-excavated columns. Five backhoe trenches and the screened trench columns were excavated in the alluvial terrace on the southern side of the Leon River and encountered a single cultural component buried between 130 and 180 centimeters (cm) below surface (bs). Wood charcoal from burned rock Feature 1 yielded an accelerated mass spectrometer date of 2490 ± 50 B.P. As a result, boundaries of a previously documented prehistoric cultural resource site to the southeast, 41BL278 were extended northwestward to include the river terrace on the southern side of the Leon River where the bridge development, area of potential effect (APE) is proposed. Ringstaff (2004) recommended archeological testing/evaluation in the area of the APE at site 41BL278, if that part of the site could not be avoided by planned bridge expansion. The Texas Historical Commission concurred with this recommendation.