摘要:A postural sway platform has been developed for studies involving elderly falters. It will be used to assist in determining reasons some elderly people are prone to falling and others are not. Results of these postural sway tests will be combined with other tests on both fallers and nonfallers to determine specific reasons for falling. A simple Z-axis platform has been developed that utilizes a unique hanger system and three strain gage transducers. The output of these transducers is input to an analog-to-digital conversion board in a personal computer. Software has been written to take data from the platform and display it graphically on the computer screen. This display includes real-time information on the center of gravity of the patient, as well as his/her weight. Arithmetic means are then calculated on the accumulated sway pattern data. These results and the results of other tests on patients can then be used to determine if a patient may be prone to falling.