摘要:The mobile service is a widely used carrier for mobile applications. With the increase of the number of mobile services, for service recommendation and selection, the nonfunctional properties (also known as quality of service, QoS) become increasingly important. However, in many cases, the number of mobile services invoked by a user is quite limited, which leads to the large number of missing QoS values. In recent years, many prediction algorithms, such as algorithms extended from collaborative filtering (CF), are proposed to predict QoS values. However, the ideas of most existing algorithms are borrowed from the recommender system community, not specific for mobile service. In this paper, we first propose a data filtering-extended SlopeOne model (filtering-based CF), which is based on the characteristics of a mobile service and considers the relation with location. Also, using the data filtering technique in FB-CF and matrix factorization (MF), this paper proposes another model FB-MF (filtering-based MF). We also build an ensemble model, which combines the prediction results of FB-CF model and FB-MF model. We conduct sufficient experiments, and the experimental results demonstrate that our models outperform all compared methods and achieve good results in high data sparsity scenario.