出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This article proposes a critical and comparative analysis in order to study the priest in love theme on the nineteen century novel in two authors: Émile Zola and Juan Valera. For this purpose, a study on El pecado del padre Mouret (1875) by Zola and Doña Luz (1879) by Valera, will be carried out, according to a thematologic perspective. To sum up, this undertaking attempts to offer an interpretation about the sense of Law of Nature ( Lex Naturae ) and Law of God ( Lex Dei ), to explain the love, the sin, the guilt and the repentance of priest in love on the Zola’s and Valera’s literary work.
关键词:Émile Zola;Juan Valera;Priest in Love;19th Century;Religion;Sin;Guilt;Repentance;Émile Zola;Juan Valera;Sacerdote enamorado;siglo XIX;religión;pecado;culpabilidad;arrepentimiento