摘要:Currently, companies aim to be unique and differentiate themselves in a highly competitive market. Communicating with their audiences is a key element to build the company image. A strategy based on the principles of coherence, consistency and a clear approach is needed to achieve it, as different authors point out, such as Trout, Sanz de la Tajada (1996), Kotler (2000), Ries (2002) , Wilson & Gilligan (2007), or Porter (2012). In short, the adequate communication strategy is the anchor to obtain a unique and privileged communicative positioning. Tuenti, a company that was born in 2006 as a Spanish social network, has made a singular evolution to become a virtual mobile phone operator. This change makes the company an object of academic interest. An analysis of various external communication materials from 2012 to 2015 has been conducted, analyzing the results and effectiveness of the campaigns carried out.