期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:Steganography is immediate need of today’s world due to want for of privacy in modern age. It is an essential system to hide a secret information within a digitally covered media which can be either a text, an image, an audio or a video in a way that the data embedded in it is transmitted secretly and securely. The hidden message can be image, text, speech (audio) or a video. The existing scheme of using image as a cover media has a restriction of embedding dimension. This paper implements a video as a cover media to overcome the limitation of embedding dimension. The proposed scheme uses a complete Java language based approach for both encryption and embedding processes. The concealed message is first encrypted by XOR and shifting the bit positions of the data file along with the key followed by split and swap operations to ensure double encryption, later it is embedded on the cover media in a way that the video do not mislay its functionality. By this process, the possibility of finding the hidden information by the attacker is slighter as compared to the standard method of hiding information framebyframe in a sequential approach. It also reduces the computational time taken for extraction process.