摘要:The finned surface can increase the specific surface area, which could enhance the boiling efficiency of the working medium to realize the enhancement of heat transfer performance. This research adopted a step punching method to form a radial microgroove structure on the surface of a copper plate. The scanning electron microscopy analysis indicates that when the pressed metal is in the deformation range, it will flow under extrusion and is subject to the reaction force from the metal outside the deformation range, so a micro-finned structure nearby the punching tool is formed. And the deformation area of the formed microgroove is higher than the workpiece’s primitive surface. The relationships of the punching interference length Li with θc, ac, and αpt are analyzed; and the influence of forming parameters on the groove surface morphology as well as the relationships among these parameters are discussed. When the punching depth ac is 0.3 mm and the punching feeding angle θc is 2°–4°, the finned surface of the radial V-shaped microgrooves can be obtained.
关键词:Radial V-shaped microgrooves; step punching; forming mechanism; enhanced heat transfer