摘要:The inverter control strategy is the key to pump energy-saving operation and should be established based on the current system configurations and system requirements, which is not the case in practice. As a result, the characteristics of pump system requirements and a combination pump with inverter were studied, and the mathematical models were established. A new model for an optimal inverter control strategy based on the current system configurations and system requirements was then established, and a method combining golden section search and genetic algorithm was formulated to solve this optimal model. This model sets up an optimal inverter control strategy to increase the efficiency of pump operation following a process line near the minimum requirements to improve operation conditions. The implementation difficulty of the control law was also reduced. Finally, the optimized model was applied to an industrial circulating pump system, and the result showed that the model can not only determine the optimal inverter control strategy but also evaluate the current operation situation of the pump configuration and determine the energy-saving potential for the current configuration, which can aid in the subsequent energy-saving reconstruction.
关键词:Energy-saving technology; inverter control strategy; variable pressure water supply; pump system characteristics