摘要:Questions have arisen recently about the role of spiritual well-being in strengthening resilience of youth. To explore this association, this case study focused on the relationships and connectedness of young people who attend one religious organization as a means of enhancing their spiritual well-being. In line with the purposes of an instrumental case study, different sources of data (quantitative and qualitative) were collected on the phenomenon of interest—spiritual well-being. A theoretical purposive sample of 65 people participated in the study. A mixed methods research approach guided this case study, which incorporated both single- and multicase study techniques. Through an abductive analysis process, spiritual well-being and resilience were shown to be interrelated and ecologically bound. This mixed methods case study presents one possible explanation for the often observed yet poorly understood relationship between spiritual well-being and positive youth outcomes, such as resilience.
关键词:resilience; spiritual; well-being; youth; case study; Generation Y