摘要:Objective: To review the conceptual, theoretical and empirical trends on the strengthening Teaching-Service Partnerships for the progress of nursing in Colombia. Method: Systematic review of literature. Results: The bibliographic tracking was performed between 2013 and 2015, under the descriptors Nursing, Advanced Practice and Education or Teaching. The search resulted in 23 articles, which were fully analyzed. Conclusions: There is a predominance of conceptual and theoretical analysis of nursing practice approaches. In order to strengthen the Policy of Teaching-Service Partnerships it is recommended to work by competencies, to improve the relationship with the patient, and to approach the Health system fully. To have the highest nursing education in the clinic, means to qualify nursing and to approach new challenges and demands of autonomy. Strengthening Teaching-Service Partnerships is necessary for the qualification of nursing practice in Colombia.
关键词:nursing;advanced practice nursing;education, nursing;higher education policy, health policy;joint ventures;enfermería;enfermería de práctica avanzada;educación en enfermería;política de educación superior;política de salud;convenios;enfermagem;enfermagem de prática avançada;ensino em enfermagem;política de ensino superior;política de saúde;convênios