期刊名称:Liminalities : a Journal of Performance Studies
摘要:ABSTRACT:This work is a brief review of the nitrogen pools of the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle which gets disrupted due to anthropogenic perturbations with activities like biomass burning, fossil fuel burning, and the major nitrogen fixed due to human induced land use activities such as growing more varieties of nitrogen fixing plants and excessive fertilizer input due to increasing food demand. Such activities and waste disposal have potential to create pollution and modify climate. The change in the demography of the world will surely pressurize us to produce more food and thus usage of more fertilizers; hence more alterations in the said terrestrial nitrogen pools resulting in disruption of biogeochemical N cycling leading to climate change in global context.KEY WORDS: Terrestrial Nitrogen, Nitrogen Pool, Anthropogenic activities, Human Systems, Nitrogen oxides, Biomass burning, Fossil fuel combustion, Climate change.