期刊名称:International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
摘要:In cloud environment, data intensive applications required to interact with vari ous kinds of databases ranged from SQL (Structured Query Language) to NoSQL. NoSQL databases have wide - ranging physical level data models like key - value, document, column oriented, graph etc. Designing such databases are complex due to absence of well - accepted common meta - modeling concepts for varied physical level data model. Thus , rese arch challenges are exist towards achieving common interpretation of data and their semantics at conceptual level over disparate databases. I n this paper, an ontology driven meta - model, called Ontology Driven NoSQL Data Model (ODNSDM), is proposed to conceptualize data representation facets over heterogeneous kinds of databases. The novelty of the proposed approach is to provide common conceptual level abstraction based on semantically enriched formal vocabularies for both NoSQL and SQL da tabases . The formal vocabularies are further implemented using an ontology editorial tool Protégé based on OWL (Web Ontology Language). Several crucial properties of the proposed model are also prescribed in this paper. In addition, the proposed framework is illustrated using case studies in order to show its practical exhibition. Moreover, step wise algorithms are to map the proposed conceptualization towards SQL and NoSQL based databases.
关键词:Ontology Driven Meta ; - ; Modeling; Schema ; - ; Based Data; Schema ; - ; Less Data; ; NoSQL Databases; Common Interpretation; Unified Conceptualization