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  • 作者:Ratko Pavlović ; Drena Trkulja-Petković ; Stanislav Dragutinović
  • 期刊名称:Acta Kinesiologica
  • 印刷版ISSN:1840-2976
  • 电子版ISSN:1840-3700
  • 出版年度:2016
  • 卷号:10
  • 期号:Supplement 1
  • 页码:49-55
  • 出版社:DPTZK Ljubuški - Teskera, BiH
  • 摘要:The need to get 'fit' has resulted in a planetary fitness centre expansion, which has by the principle of cause and effect brought out a massive number of different fitness exercising programmes, methods, equipment and props, with an aim to achieve better and faster training results, i.e. the wanted transformational anthropological status. The new fitness programs are emerging almost every day, which in spite of a vast marketing support and a current publicity are forgotten very fast. Within those conditions, in order to achieve satisfaction and trust of your clients, the offered programmes need to produce wanted effects in regards to the transformation of targeted abilities or characteristics of those who perform exercises. This presents constant challenges to the fitness industry, along with the obligation to seek for optimum, scientifically accepted and proven exercising methods. It is because of those reasons that the professional fitness centres are interested in introducing and applying only proven training methods, using highly sophisticated and technologically advanced equipment. This paper deals with analysis of Electro muscular stimulation (EMS) as one of the three methods which have been developed through a research designed for the astronauts. It was released into public after the fall of the "Berlin Wall 1989" and opening the secret USSR and USA documents. The current research defines the related units starting from epistemology of the electro muscle stimulation (EMS), its application as an alternative to developing conditional capacities, clinical use in physiotherapy and EMS and EMS as one of the means to athlete recovery (body's regeneration processes) so as to prevent negative training effects (the development of overtraining and chronic fatigue). Each of the units will contain information which is relevant to the theory and practice in sport, recreation and convalescence of athletes and patients.
  • 关键词:electro-muscle stimulation (EMS); fitness and sport; the application in practice; ; contraindications; convalescence. ; ; Introduction ; ; In the last few decades with the right one can ; speak of fitness as a serious; first of all; very ; profitable industry. The need to be "fit" resulted in ; the planetary expansion of the fitness; which ; causally caused the emergence of a large number ; of different fitness programs; exercise method; ; devices; and equipment; with the aim of better and ; faster training results; i.e. the desired ; transformation of anthropological status. In such ; circumstances; in order to achieve satisfaction and ; customer trust; programs that are offered must ; lead to the desired effects on the transformation of ; targeted skills or characteristics of trainees. Thus; ; almost every day; new fitness programs appear; ; which despite massive marketing support; as well ; as the current publicity; quickly fall into oblivion. ; The most common reasons for this lie in the lack of ; desired results; and termination of client interest ; for this type of exercise. This continuously sets new ; challenges to the fitness industry and imposes a ; duty to seek optimal; therefore scientifically ; accepted and proven method of exercise. It should ; not be overlooked that such programs and methods ; must follow the trends of modern understanding of ; fitness. For these reasons; serious fitness centers ; have the interest to introduce and practice only the ; proven training methods; using at the same time ; highly sophisticated; technologically advanced ; equipment. In this study will be presented in detail ; one of three methods that have arisen in research ; intended for astronauts; i.e. the space program of ; major world powers (Vrci.; Kova.evi.; &Abazovi.; ; 2015). These findings later found their place in the ; military industry; and finally at the top sports; i.e. ; the Olympic programs of the USSR and the USA. ; Only by the cessation of the "cold war" and the ; opening of secret documents; vibration training; ; isokinetic training and electrical muscle stimulation ; saw the daylight. This research will try to elucidate ; knowledge in the field of electrical muscle ; stimulation (EMS) and on objective and professional ; way present scientific research findings of ; mentioned training methods. The research aims to ; answer key questions; give serious and proven ; recommendations for safe application of EMS ; methods in fitness and make explicitly the expected ; benefits and possible contraindications. ; ; ; Epistemology of electro-muscle stimulation (EMS) ; The EMS stands for electric muscle stimulation; a ; method widely used for years in rehab medicine ; and sport. This method successfully restores and ; improves muscle tonus; but it is also used in the ; treatment of medical conditions which involve the ; loss of muscle mass. In sports and fitness; the EMS ; is used as an additional part of the conventional ; training in order to stimulate specific muscle groups ; ; 49 ; var currentpos;timer; function initialize() { timer=setInterval("scrollwindow()";10);} function sc(){clearInterval(timer); }function scrollwindow() { currentpos=document.body.scrollTop; window.scroll(0;++currentpos); if (currentpos != document.body.scrollTop) sc();} document.onmousedown=scdocument.ondblclick=initialize Pavlovi.;.R..et.al.:.Electro‐muscle.stimulation.‐.the.application.in.practice............Acta.Kinesiologica.10.(2016).Suppl.1:.49‐55 ; . ; to increase their strength and efficiency or ; aesthetic appearance. Different level of muscle ; contraction is achieved by sending electric pulses of ; different types depending on the selected program. ; These contractions reactivate muscles; increase ; their efficiency and stamina and are very important ; for muscles which; for whatever reason; were not ; regularly used (muscle atrophy). In sport; it ; represents benefit because it increases the effect of ; training and improves performance. By typing the ; term "electro-muscle stimulation" - EMS; the ; browser opens a vast number of websites that offer ; this type of training or services. By a more detailed ; analysis of the offered content we can easily come ; up with a few striking and for kinesiology practice a ; bit worrying facts. Firstly; most of the conclusions ; presented are at the level of scientific and ; professional speculations; which means that they ; are scientifically untested or; at worst; completely ; untrue. ; ; It's a bit like this: "Muscle electro-stimulation is ; electrotherapy treatment with a highly ; sophisticated machine; which through a low- ; frequency current breaks down fat and cellulite; ; accelerates weight loss; stimulates peripheral ; microcirculation; improves muscle tonus; shapes ; the body and restores its thinness." (Vrci.; et al.; ; 2015). This is just one of a myriad of definitions ; that can be found on mentioned sites; and even at ; first glance; it shows that marketing is a very ; cleverly written; and that it provides consumer a ; quick and easy path to perfect figure without ; excess fat. Another extremely important fact refers ; to the type and use of facilities that provide these ; treatments. Deliberately is used the term ; treatment; not training; because it is evident that in ; addition to fitness centers and physical medicine; ; beauty salons or some wellness centers dominate ; (Vrci.; et al. 2015). It is clear that electrical muscle ; stimulation; as a service; is offered in a very large ; number of facilities that have a completely different ; purpose and essence of its work. This in itself ; carries a third possibly decisive factor of "failures"; ; with the exception of the first marketing impression ; on consumers; and that is actually a person "coach" ; who realizes this type of treatment. It is clear that ; we are talking about a very small number of ; medical (physical medicine doctors and ; physiotherapists) personnel; and occupations such ; as beauticians; makeup artists and people of similar ; professional profile dominate. It is almost ; unbelievable that kinesiologists or people with ; education in the field of physical training participate ; the least in the provision and control of the ; implementation of this type of training. ; ; The situation is even worse if we take into account ; that there are people with an adequate kinesiology ; education; who because of marketing and quick ; profits; through their facebook profiles and web ; portals; promote unverified information; and ; consciously or unconsciously confuse the public. ; This leads to the appearance that this method is ; discussed at the level of "hearsay" and there are ; contradictory customer experiences; from complete ; disappointment to rebirth in training; but also life in ; general. The truth; as usual; is somewhere in ; between; that is halfway between a disappointed ; customer experience who is really overweight and ; in chronically bad health condition; which; after ; several EMS treatment has not improved at all; and ; aggressive marketing campaigns to promote this ; method as a breakthrough in the fight with all the ; problems of the modern fitness centre users. In a ; serious expert literature this training method is ; generally defined as follows: "Electrical stimulation ; is a type of training that is carried out through ; passive movements of body segments; caused by ; the application of electric current. The apparatus ; used is called an electric muscle stimulator. It is ; mainly used for the purpose of treatment of injuries ; and muscle atrophy; during and after the ; immobilization. It is believed that electrical ; stimulation accelerates the renewal of muscle ; tissue and shortens the duration of rehabilitation. ; Improper use can result in burns to the skin and ; deeper tissues." (Ostojic; 2006). EMS is primarily a ; method of physical therapy and has been used for ; many years as a method of rehabilitation of ; muscles after injury or surgery. In the early 1960s; ; it was often used in an attempt to prevent the ; atrophy of skeletal muscle that occurred as a result ; of weakened or interrupted innervations (Davis; ; Hamzaid; & Fornusek; 2008). With the development ; of stimulation devices the EMS has become a ; popular method for the treatment of patients who ; have suffered damage to the central nervous ; system; most often due to stroke or spinal cord ; injury (Scremin; Kurta; Gentili; et al.; 1999; ; Wheeler; Andrews; Lederer; et al. 2002). Over the ; past 20 years; manufacturers have developed high- ; quality devices; capable of modulating various ; forms of pulses of electrical current; which can be ; used to stimulate muscle contraction. For these ; reasons; the EMS is being increasingly applied in ; order to improve the strength of the lower ; extremities (Laughman; Youdas; Garrett; et al. ; 1983) in the process of rehabilitation of patients ; who have had orthopedic surgery; especially the ; reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament ; (Porcari; Mclean; Foster; et al.; 2002; Avramidis; ; Strike; Taylor; &Swain; 2003). To understand ; better the idea of the use of electrical muscle ; stimulation in rehabilitation; but also sport; it is ; necessary to know the basic physiological ; mechanisms of muscle contraction and its nervous ; regulation; because it is the one that inspired the ; researchers; using external excitation of muscles; ; to try to cause its contraction and generate greater ; force than during maximal voluntary contraction. ; ; ; Physiological mechanisms of electro-muscle ; stimulation (EMS) and functioning ; EMS is achieved by an electric impulse which; via ; electrodes on the skin stimulates nerves that ; innervate specific muscle group (Figure 1). The ; muscles work differently depending on the severity; ; frequency and pulse width of electric impulse. ; Muscle is made up of two types of muscle fibers: ; red - which slowly contract and work under aerobic ; ; 50