摘要:Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) is commonly used for bottling drinking water. PET must be harmless in the senseof the migration potentially unsafe materials into its content. The quality determination of migrated organic chemicalsin 15 bottled water stored in PET was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique. Most of theorganic chemical compounds including phthalate, alkyl phenol, higher alkene and organic acid were detected in thesamples. However, no carcinogens and hormones were recognized in the analyzed waters. The most migrated compoundsidentified between 13 to 100% of bottled water. The findings of present study could be alarming for the food safetylegislative establishments in Iran due to the existence of some organic compounds with adverse influence on humanwellbeing. Further investigation is recommended to evaluate the risk assessment of the public health arising from thepresence of these toxic contaminants in the bottled water consumed by the people.