期刊名称:Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores
出版社:Asesorías y Tutorías para la Investigación Científica en la Educación Puig-Salabarría S.C.
摘要:The postwar jusphilosophical thought and the first decades of the Cuban twentieth century present a superficial appreciation of class contradiction which underlies in the essence of Law. In this paper, fundamental issues in the treatment of this perspective from the viewpoint of some of its most prominent representatives are addressed. The “Raúl Roa” method is highlighted, which requires taking into account the structural and political-cyclical dual perspective, closer to the environmental correlations of forces from which the Law is formulated in between class struggles and social conflicts in general.
关键词:jusphilosophical thought; legal anthropologism; Law