期刊名称:Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS)
出版社:Industrial Research Inst. for Automation and Measurements, Warsaw
摘要:This paper considers the prac.cal applica.on of the RGB- D Simultaneous Localiza.on and Mapping (SLAM) techni- ques for localiza.on of mobile robots. We a.empt to ans- wer the ques.on: how the quality of the es.mated sensor trajectory depends on the approach to RGB-D data pro- cessing in the SLAM system when RGB-D frames acqui- red on a real mobile robot are used. Experiments are per- formed on data obtained from robots of di.erent clas- ses, and from di.erent environment types to present the problems characteris.c to RGB-D data. Conclusions as to the robustness of par.cular architectures and solu.ons applied in SLAM are drawn on the basis of experimental results. Publicly available data sets and well-established performance metrics are used to ensure that the results are verifiable, reproducible and relevant.