出版社:Institut Nacional d´Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC)
摘要:Starting from the concepts of physical education and physical culture and their different meanings, in this article we show, in a critical way, but, above all, as a way of opening a debate, the dominant character that the models of corporal sports behaviour of our society have. As all the divisions and social powers reveal themselves more evidently the more the reflect corporal divisions and powers exercised from the body and over the body, sport and within this the distinguished specialties which make up social forms that tend to perpetuate a regulated disposition of the human body that is dominant, i.e., a certain order emotive and practical of social relations with whose power cultural diversity is destroyed which supposes, among other manifestations of physical culture, traditional games.
关键词:Educación física;
cultura física; poder; cuerpo;
distinción social