期刊名称:International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
摘要:Position information is the foundation of massive applications in Wireless Sensor Network(WSN). Three improved positioning algorithms based on DV-Hop areproposed in order toenhance the positioning accuracy of wireless sensor nodes. First improved algorithm is distance compensation algorithm (DCA) that creates a triangle model to compensate the estimated distance. The second improved algorithm creates a new chain table for all anchor nodes to record and compute the average hop distance. The thirdimproved algorithm is weighting different anchor nodes with anchor nodes’ nearest unknown nodes. The second and third improved algorithms are based on the DCA. The simulation results show that the three improved algorithms are better than the original DV-Hop in localization accuracy.Compared to the original DV-Hop algorithm, the simulation results shows that the three improved algorithms proposed in the paper increase the positioning accuracy of the unknownnodes.