期刊名称:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
出版社:The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
摘要:Escherichia coli RNase E is an essential enzyme that forms multicomponent ribonucleolytic complexes known as “RNA degradosomes.” These complexes consist of four major components: RNase E, PNPase, RhlB RNA helicase, and enolase. However, the role of enolase in the RNase E/degradosome is not understood. Here, we report that presence of enolase in the RNase E/degradosome under anaerobic conditions regulates cell morphology, resulting in E . coli MG1655 cell filamentation. Under anaerobic conditions, enolase bound to the RNase E/degradosome stabilizes the small RNA (sRNA) DicF, i.e., the inhibitor of the cell division gene ftsZ , through chaperon protein Hfq-dependent regulation. RNase E/enolase distribution changes from membrane-associated patterns under aerobic to diffuse patterns under anaerobic conditions. When the enolase-RNase E/degradosome interaction is disrupted, the anaerobically induced characteristics disappear. We provide a mechanism by which E . coli uses enolase-bound degradosomes to switch from rod-shaped to filamentous form in response to anaerobiosis by regulating RNase E subcellular distribution, RNase E enzymatic activity, and the stability of the sRNA DicF required for the filamentous transition. In contrast to E . coli nonpathogenic strains, pathogenic E . coli strains predominantly have multiple copies of sRNA DicF in their genomes, with cell filamentation previously being linked to bacterial pathogenesis. Our data suggest a mechanism for bacterial cell filamentation during infection under anaerobic conditions.
关键词:RNase E ; RNA decay ; protein subcellular distribution ; anaerobic conditions ; cell shape