摘要:The author studies the nature of the European Security System, hegin ning with an analysis of the actual European políc y for security and defence (PECSD and its relatioÍ1s with the scheme of Western Europe's union. She a/so analyses the relations hetween these newpolicies, NATO, and the UN's Securit yCouncil. Her argument on the fact that the existen ce of an European Army has not h_een planned as such hut in the form of a multinational task force far fast response, is particular/ y ínterestíng. A historical mentían of the first attempts to huild policies of common defence, up to contemporary polícies is made. The article concludes with a presentatíon of the new concepts of Common European Defence and of the main opínions around this strategic concept into the EU , and those that defend the persistence of national ínterests.