期刊名称:Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at : Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs
出版社:Bundesminsterium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung
摘要:With the great influx of people whose first language is not German to Austria and the subsequent increase in demand for German as a Foreign Language (DaZ) courses, the demand for German as a Foreign Language teacher training programmes also continues to increase. This creates new employment opportunities for adult education instructors. Yet new questions arise about the quality and scope of training as well as funding. The author provides an overview of the price range of different German as a Foreign Language programmes on the market and asks why German as a Foreign Language teacher training remains an area that requires (future) teachers to finance their own education. He points out the contradiction that German language acquisition – as a prerequisite for successful integration – is a mandatory requirement for non-EU foreign nationals yet at the same time tied to the residence permit and often not financially feasible for this target group. Finally, the author sketches his own vision of a publicly funded “Zentrum für die österreichische Sprache” (Austrian Language Centre) and recommends a public initiative similar to the “Initiative Erwachsenenbildung” (Initiative for Adult Education). (Ed.)