期刊名称:History Studies : International Journal of History
出版社:History Studies : International Journal of History
摘要:Bu çalýþmada 1838 Balta Limaný Antlaþmasý'ndan 1861 Kanlýca Antlaþmalarýna kadar geçen süre içinde Osmanlý tebaasýndan olmayan kiþilerin Osmanlý tebaasýna ait olan esnaflýk mesleðini yapmalarý ve buna baðlý olarak yaþanan sorunlar incelenmektedir. Herhangi bir iþ kolunun belirli bir alanýnda uzmanlaþmýþ meslek sahipleri olarak tanýmlanan esnaflýk Osmanlý Devleti'nin kuruluþundan itibaren belirlenen kurallar çerçevesinde icra edilmiþtir. 19. yüzyýlýn baþýndan itibaren baðýmsýzlýk hareketleri sonucunda yeni devletler kuran ama yine de Osmanlý topraklarýnda yaþamaya devam eden eski Osmanlý ahalisi ile ulaþým imkânlarýnýn artmasý sonucu Osmanlý topraklarýna gelen yabancýlar geçimlerini temin etmek için esnaflýk yapmýþlardýr. Bu durum yeri geldiðinde kendilerini ecnebi olarak tanýmlayan bu esnaf grubunun hem Osmanlý ekonomisine hem de yerli esnafa zarar vermesiyle yeni bir boyut kazanmýþtýr. Bu manada daha fazla faaliyet gösterebilmek için Osmanlý Devleti'ne yeni imtiyazlar vermesi yönünde baskýlar yapýlmýþtýr. Baþta Ýngiltere, Fransa ve Rusya olmak üzere onlarýn desteklediði ve sayýca da Osmanlý ülkesinde dükkân açarak en fazla sayýda esnaflýk yapan Yunanlýlar ve hatta Ýranlýlar ülkenin birçok yerinde bu iþe el atmýþlardýr. Yerel esnafýn zarara uðradýklarýna dair yapmýþ olduðu þikâyetler veya devletlerarasý iliþkiler baðlamýnda Bâb-ý âli, zaman zaman ecnebilerin esnaflýk yapmasýný önlemeye bazen de devletlerarasý iliþkilerde bir koz olarak kullanmaya çalýþmýþtýr.
其他摘要:In this study it is aimed to investage the trade of the foreigners that they performed the businesses which the Ottoman people did in the Ottoman Empire between the periods 1838 Balta Port Agreement and 1861 Kanlýca Agreement and the problems they faced during the mentioned periods. The trade issues in those periods which were defined as the business that was performed by non-expert people were performed under certain rules beginning from the establishment of the Ottoman Empire. The immigrant foreigners started to perform different types of trades to lead their life in the Ottoman Empire after the transportation became easier compared to the past althoug they established new states beginnig from the independence movements started at the first part of the 19th century but, they prefered to live under the dominian of th Ottoman Empire. Such a new case gave some harm to the Ottoman businessmen and the economy of the Ottoman Empire. However, they started to urge Ottoman Empire to give them some further priviliges to increase the volume of their trade. English, French and Russian businessmen and the Greek even the Iranian businessmen supported by the England France and Russia started to open new shops in different cities of Ottoman Empire. Related to the complains of the native merchants and the international relations, Ottoman Empire took some precautions to prevent the business of the foreigners and sometimes the State used such a case as a trump in international relations.