摘要:In 2011–2013, research on the fertilizer value of slag from the incineration of municipal sewage sludge as an alternative source of phosphorus was carried out. The research scheme included 5 variants (in 4 repetitions) fertilization cultivated for grain with mineral fertilizers and ash. (P1, P2 and P3 – consecutive doses of phosphorus from ash) from municipal sewage sludge combustion: NK, NPK, NK+P1, NK+P2 and NK+P3. The obtained results indicate that the average of the three years of research, the value for the straw spring rape heat of combustion was 15.99 MJ/kg d.m., corn straw 16.20 MJ/kg d.m., triticale straw 17.06 MJ/kg d.m. and Miscanthus 17.34 MJ/kg d.m. The highest value of combustion heat for spring rape straw and miscanthus performed for objects fertilized with NK + P3 – 16.08 MJ/kg d.m. (Spring rape) and 17.57 MJ/kg d.m. (Miscanthus); For corn straw objects fertilized with nitrogen and potassium – 16.35 MJ/kg d.m. and triticale straw objects fertilized with NPK and NK + P2 – 17.10 MJ/kg d.m. Straw calorific value of tested plants was lower than the combustion heat by an average of 6.97% (triticale) to 7.38% (spring rape).