出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The present study is basically an attempt to examine the customer satisfaction toward the existing attributes of Grameen phone and Teletalk based on Fishbein’s Multi-Atribute Attitude Model. Twenty factors have been considered for justifying the result of this study. The research is based on the primary data. 200 respondents have been selected randomly from different areas of Khulna City in Bangladesh. In this study, the hypotheses were developed in the light of objectives of this study, where, H0 = there is no difference between mean of each attribute of Grameen phone and Teletalk, and H1 = there is difference between mean of each attribute of Grameen phone and Teletalk,. It has found that overall customer attitude toward Grameen Phone is 166.1923, whereas Teletalk is 78.939. In most of the cases (17 out of 20), customers show positive attitude towards Grameen Phone than that of Teletalk.