摘要:The goal of the research is to investigate the relationship between the creative thinking skills and SBS exam success of primary school students. The research sample group is comprised of 60 8th grade students at private schools in Gaziantep in 2009-2010 Educational Year. The methodology of the research is mixed research method. Torrance Creative Thinking Test applied to students in order to collect data about the level of creative thinking skills of the students. The information about the students was obtained from ILSUS Student Registration System. A correlation was utilized to analyze the relationship between the creative thinking sub-dimensions of fluency, flexibility, and originality and SBS success. The findings of the research demonstrate that there is a significant positive relationship between the flexibility aspect of the students’ creativity and SBS success on the subjects of Turkish, Math, Science and Social Sciences and also that there is a significant positive relationship between the originality aspect of the students’ creativity and SBS exam success on the subjects of Math and Social Sciences. The means of creative thinking skill levels of the students were compared and it was observed that the mean of fluency is the highest and the mean of flexibility is the lowest. Key w ords: Creativity, fluency, flexibility, originality, academic success, examination success