标题:Effectiveness Of Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Nets (Itns) In The Control Of Malaria Disease Among Slum Dwellers In Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State.
摘要:The study investigated the effectiveness of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) in the control of malaria among slum dwellers in Port Harcourt metropolis. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 160 respondents from Mgbuoshimini and Bundu watersides. Analyses of data involved the use of descriptive statistics like frequency counts, percentage distribution and mean.The study revealed that the level of ITN awareness is high, many respondents possess ITNs but very few use them. It was also evident from the study that there are many factors affecting ITN usage. Some of the factors include, lack of accommodation, overcrowding, reduction of air flow, lack of proper ventilation, breathing difficulties, skin allergies, cultures or religions that forbid the use of ITNs, etc. The study, therefore, supports the need for Government to resettle slum dwellers in Mgbuoshimini and Bundu watersides to more decent and comfortable environments as slums are usually dirty, water-logged and favourable for mosquitoes’ breeding, thereby, causing malaria. The study recommends that Government should ensure regular fumigation in Mgbuoshimini and Bundu watersides as well as other mosquito prone areas in the state, in order to kill the vectors (mosquitoes), thereby preventing malaria.