出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This study sought to examine the causes and impact of road traffic accidents in the Department of Irrigation Midlands Region. A sample of 25 out of 39 civil servants from the Department of Irrigation Midlands Region Gweru and its field centres were used as the research subjects. The methodology used was descriptive survey. Questionnaires and documentary evidence were used as research instruments. Of the 25 participants 20 responded to the study. Literature on both general accidents and road traffic accidents at local and international level was studied. The study (both secondary and primary findings) showed that accidents are mainly a result of human error and therefore can be prevented. This study recommends, among other things, continuous training of drivers in the Department, top management commitment to accidents prevention, avoiding driving under the influence of alcohol and grounding all unroadworthy vehicles.