摘要:A first experience of use of “In Your Eyes”, an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) game to foster Spatial Perspective Taking (SPT) skills in young adults with mild cognitive impairments is described along with a brief discussion of the outcomes. IVR is an innovative tool thanks to which a new chapter in the history of e-learning begun. It is now possible to have a personal direct experience of virtual situations as if they were real, involving all the five senses and allowing for a kinaesthetic approach to learning. All those skills that have an embodied component find in the immersive world a perfect training situation. Spatial Perspective Taking is an important skill for orientation in space and mastering it supports independent mobility in town. The fact that the virtual world is perceived as if it was real, and the possibility to move freely into it, allows stimulating the embodied component of spatial reasoning. The gaming situation helps in keeping the player’s interest high and therefore helps in having as much training as needed. Furthermore, IVR makes learning transfer to real situations easier, especially for our target users.