出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Board effectiveness is about doing the right things to achieve the results (Triscott, 2004). Forbes and Daniel (1999) defined board effectiveness as the board’s ability to perform its control and service tasks effectively. TVET is a major initiative by the government that was envisaged as an occupational field to provide the foundation for productive and satisfying careers and offer specialized preparations for initial employment, including self-employment. However, Kenya has continued to experience challenges of unemployment, poverty, food insecurity and environmental degradation. Although board effectiveness is very important for the success of an organization, the influence of board effectiveness on performance of TVET Institutions is not clear. The main objective of this study was to establish the influence of board effectiveness on performance of public TVET institutions in Nyanza region, Kenya. The Population of the study included the principals, deputy principals and heads of department of TVET Institutions in Nyanza region Kenya who were 99 in number. The study employed a census survey with response at 97.5 %. Reliability was measured using cronchbach’s alpha which revealed 0.872 consistency. Regarding the size of the coefficients, the study found that as the variables change by 1 unit, performance too changes by a magnitude of 0.501 respectively. The results also showed that the probability of effective performance of directors is significant (p values = 0.000). The study concludes that although performance of TVET Institutions can be determined by effectiveness of the board up to 62 percent of the variance in the respondents scale, several factors which vary in their magnitude would influence performance of TVET Institutions in Nyanza region, Kenya. This study recommends that stakeholders employ the principle of effectiveness of the board in appointing boards of management since it impacts on performance positively. Findings of this study may be used for decision making by policy makers to improve governance of TVET Institutions and other stakeholders for further research.