标题:Reflection on Lonergan’s Transcendental Philosophy of Education As Way of Redeeming African University Education so as to Foster Intellectual, Moral and Religious Conversion Among the Students.
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Africa has been regarded as backward not only because of her social, economic and political situations, but also, because of the kind of education that is offered in our learning institution. It is not hard to depict the fact that Africans have embraced a kind of education that is not suitable and which can not be sustained by their environment. Like Nyerere, many great thinkers have maintained that Africans have got accustomed to European type of education that thrives in western world which is developed and it has failed to adequately work in Africa. The reason behind this is that education system best suited for African is that which prepares them for a future that is open to them. Secondly the kind of education that is more suitable to Africa must take in consideration African values such as respect for life, integrity, responsibility and dignity of human life. Third, a strong emphasis for both theoretical and practical arm of knowledge in all its levels of learning is desirable in Africa. This value must be inculcated not only in primary and secondary schools, but also, in African universities where higher learning is conducted and brought into term. Consequently, education in African universities must be seen to inseminate the most essential and fundamental principles of life. Such principle should promote individual development and self-fulfillment of each member of the society. Moreover, they should foster in students sound moral and religious values and strong pillars of social equality and responsibility. The aim of this paper is to show that African universities can be improved and tailored so as offer a true and authentic education build man not only intellectually but also, morally and religiously. However, I will endeavor to show that this can only be achieved if we attest to the fact that every act of genuine learning is supposed to be transformative and educative, and it should leads us closer to the core of being. Moreover, I will show that as a method, learning is a path to self knowledge and it possesses the following transcendental guidelines: be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, and be responsible. Finally through the appropriation of this paper, it will be realized that education is an application of Lonergan’s Insight and it leads to formation of person’s intellectual skills, forms him, so as to become responsible, and religious citizen. The climax of this paper will be to demonstrate that education is ideally a process of a holistic conversion of the human person- intellectually, morally, and religiously, and this begs to our topic of discussion.