出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The objectives of this research are: (1) to produce Physics learning model and instrument at Senior secondary School with the POE 2 WElearning model; (2) to examine the feasibility of the Physics learning model and instrument at Senior secondary School with the POE 2 WE learning model; and (3) to study the effectiveness of the POE 2 WE learning model at Senior Secondary School. This research used the research and development (R&D) method so as to produce a certain learning model and to examine its effectiveness. It also used the procedural development model, adapting the development model of 4-D (four D model). According to Trianto (2011:93), the development research included four phases, namely: defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The results of the research are as follows:1) The development of Physics learning model at Senior Secondary School with the POE2WE learning model is done by using the development model of R2D2, which is applied through four focused phases, namely: (1) defining, (2) designing, (3) developing, (4) disseminating. 2) The result of the examination on the learning model and the components of the learning instrument product by the experts shows that it is feasible to be used with the following reasons: (a) the expert of subject matter assesses that the learning material and student work sheet are feasible to used or applied in the Physics learning in Grade X Semester I of Senior Secondary School; (b) the physics teachers asses that the learning material and student work sheet are feasible to be used; and (c) the subjects of the research exposed to the experiment assess that the components of the learning material are very good and interesting to be learned. 3) Quantitatively, there is a significant difference in the result of Physics learning with the use of the Physics learning model of the students in Grade X, Semester I of Senior Secondary Schools in Ciamis regency as indicated by the result of t test of p< 0, 0000.The response of the students to the learning process is regarded positive as shown by the variation of their attitudes. 63.34% of the students have a very positive attitude, and the rest 36.67% have a positive attitude. The response of the students to the Physics learning material is also positive. 50.83% of them have a very positive attitude, and the rest 49.17% have a positive attitude. In addition, the response of the students to their teachers is also positive. 72.50% of them have a positive attitude, and the rest 27.50% have a positive attitude.
关键词:POE2WE learning model; and Physics learning at Senior Secondary.