摘要:Leadership is still seen as a very important factor for the effectiveness of the organization, even also affects almost all human life. Higher education and the police have distinctive characteristics as an organization, thus requiring a certain leadership. This study aims to determine how the servant leadership model of leadership in civil work environment represented by higher education institutions and military work environment, represented by the police. This research is also expected to contribute to the study of leadership models servant leadership further, especially in the working environment of civil and military. The study involved 10 subjects of civil groups represented by the employee or employees in the workplace Faculty of Education University of Semarang and 10 subjects from the unit Treasury Unit Police Academy in Semarang, a group representing the military. The results showed that based on the results of t-test at -3544 (sig <0.05) showed that there was no difference between servant leadership in the workplace leader in civil and military. Some aspects of servant leadership appears on the civil groups, among others, egalitarianism, moral integrity, empowering and developing others, empathy, and creating value for the community, whose existence is supported by the principle values ??of Tri Dharma College. While in the military, there are some aspects that stand out, such as egalitarianism, moral integrity, empowering and developing companies, and empathy, in which existence is supported by Tri Brata values ??embodied in the spirit of corps.
关键词:leadership; servant leadership; civil; military