摘要:A questão da evasão no ensino superior vem sendo debatida com bastante empenho pelosórgãos competentes no Brasil, pois afeta diretamente a qualidade do ensino e as metas decrescimento do país. O desafio é criar e gerir instrumentos capazes de garantir apermanência discente no ensino superior, quer seja através de reforma curricular, adoçãode cotas, programas de financiamentos, bolsas, etc. Esse trabalho pretende apresentar umaescala hierárquica para priorização de instrumentos que permitam garantir a permanênciadiscente em uma universidade. Um modelo multicritério é utilizado para tal função, com baseem dados colhidos em pesquisa de opinião realizada entre alunos de uma universidadepública. São apresentados os dados da pesquisa, a metodologia utilizada, o modelodesenvolvido, os resultados e a análise de consistência.↓Students’ evasion in college level is subject of constant and incisive debates amongcompetent entities in Brazil, since it affects directly the quality of teaching and the targets ofgrowth in the country. The challenge in this case is to create and manage instruments whichare capable of guaranteeing students permanence in universities, either throughrestructuring the curricula or adopting quota schemes, financing programs, scholarships etc.This work intends to present a hierarchical scale to prioritize instruments that helpguaranteeing students permanence in universities. In order to do so, it is used a multicriteriamodel, based on data collected in an opinion research involving students of a publicuniversity. It is presented in this document the data gathered from the research, the usedmethodology, the model which was developed, the results and the consistency analysis.
其他摘要:Students’ evasion in college level is subject of constant and incisive debates amongcompetent entities in Brazil, since it affects directly the quality of teaching and the targets ofgrowth in the country. The challenge in this case is to create and manage instruments whichare capable of guaranteeing students permanence in universities, either throughrestructuring the curricula or adopting quota schemes, financing programs, scholarships etc.This work intends to present a hierarchical scale to prioritize instruments that helpguaranteeing students permanence in universities. In order to do so, it is used a multicriteriamodel, based on data collected in an opinion research involving students of a publicuniversity. It is presented in this document the data gathered from the research, the usedmethodology, the model which was developed, the results and the consistency analysis.