出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Service quality is important in service industry and hospitality industry on classified star hotels. The aim of this study was to determine the moderating effect of information technology communication (ICT) utilization on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Descriptive research design was adopted for this study. The target population was 6067 customers at classified star hotels in Nairobi Kenya and a sample size of 375 was obtained using proportionate sampling from categorized star hotels. Data was collected using a 5 Likert-scale questionnaire. Data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The study established that Service Quality (β= .194, p-value = 0.003) as a relationship marketing practice is an important elements that affect customer satisfaction. The study rejected H0 2 since β≠0 and p-value was less than α. The study explains 4.9% of variance above and beyond the variance by Service Quality. Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction in classified star hotels and an important element to consider when making decisions. Responsiveness, good environment or ambience and reliability of services are critical for classified star hotels to improve their customer satisfaction. Hotels management should pay attention to all service quality dimensions of assurance, reliability, responsiveness, convenience and empathy.
关键词:Service Quality; Relationship Marketing; Customer Satisfaction; Information Technology Utilization; Classified Star Hotels