出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:In the last fifteen years the numbers of motorcycles per capita in many developing nations has doubled, they provide an affordable mobility option that is not otherwise available. Whereas information points to the potential benefits of this mode of transport, there is limited information on the effect of increasing investment in bodaboda business in Kisumu West District. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of increased investment in bodaboda business on economic empowerment in Kisumu West District. A descriptive study design was used. The study population comprised of, 100 bodaboda owners, and 170 bodaboda riders. A total of 43 bodaboda owners and 74 riders were selected through a stratified random sampling process. Primary data was collected by use of structured questionnaire while secondary data was obtained from written reports. Data was analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics and presented in tables, bar charts and pie charts. It was established that the level of bodaboda business activities were very high in the district and that these activities had a positive significant effect on economic empowerment. The study suggested that further studies should be done in other districts to establish the nationwide effect of bodaboda business in economic empowerment.