出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Coal mining has changed natural landscapes and is more likely to damage the environment. Based on this premise, a research on post-mining land use with respect to fodder conservation in the areas under forest stands was conducted. The purpose of this research was to determine the use or utilization of the post mining land under forest stands of PT Kitadin in East Kalimantan for cattle fodder conservation, which might provide answers for the improved management of post-mining land, as well as for the control and restoration of the natural balance. The results showed that each stand had a different amount of fodder/ forage production. Furthermore, the 4-year-old stands ( Acacia Mangium, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Samanea saman and Hibiscus tiliaceus ) had the ability to produce fodder/ forage with the average of 7.62 tons / ha / year with the average intensity of 291,504 lux / hour for the total of 12 hours. The highest production value ??was found under the hibiscus plant stands, which were 10.5 tons / ha / year and the lowest was under the acacia stands with 5 tons / ha / year. , The growth of cattle in the area of ??post-mining land was 33%, in which the farmers gained a profit of USD 300/ year by raising three cows. If it became the main source of living for the farmers, the number of cattle raised should have been 15 cows. The beef demand insofar reached merely 1.56 kg / ha / year. However, to be able to self-support itself in terms of sufficient beef supply, East Kalimantan province needed 3 kg / capita / year, which required an addition of approximately 3.950 ha land areas and 43.200 cows . Strategic policies needed for this reason were controlling the beef import and increasing domestic production, followed by an improved implementation of forest conservation program by pruning in order to adjust the light settings when the plant canopies covered each other and as well farm business producing an output of zero waste. Moreover, the empowerment of local communities and stakeholders in managing forests as cattle fodder conservation would also be necessary.
关键词:Post-mining land; forest stands; cattle fodder/ forage conservation of PT Kitadin East Kalimantan .