摘要:The purpose of this study is to document the child immunization and its association with the household, socio demographic characteristics which effect child immunization of children aged 12 to 23 months Pakistan.The analysis in this study is based on the Household level data taken from the Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement Survey (PSLM) 2010 - 2011 carried out by the Federal Bureau of Statistic, Government of Pakistan. Chi-square test and logistic regression is used for the analysis of data. The results indicate that in case of child immunization, not only child s age, but also child’s gender,resident of the child and he/she parents education, household income and family size plays a significant role. The gender differentials are more prominent in rural areas where negative impact on child immunization also exists due to the higher income inequality, among, household.The analysis of socio demographic characteristic provides the researchers, educationists and policy makers with a critical review of the issues at hand, so that appropriate policies and programmers can be designed for increasing child immunization in the country.
关键词:Child Immunization; householdsocio-demographic characteristic; Logistic regression; Chi Square; Pakistan