摘要:This study is an attempt to find that how performance of educational sectors of Pakistan is influenced by (OC) organizational culture and (EI) emotional intelligence variables. Every organization has a culture which is good or bad. Good culture creates a positive influence on long term performance of educational institutions and good culture is better for positive performance than happy employees. Data is collected by studying the different researcher’s articles, taking interview of experts and through observations. The data was collected only from Pakistani educational sector organizations to find the results. Results show that there is a close relationship between an organization’s culture and its performance in developing countries, like Pakistan, Pakistan are rich in emotional sentiments due to their strong cultural influence of past experiences on future outcomes, education sector performance is also influenced by EI variable. The effective handling of EI particularly at workplace will provide immense outcomes which eventually will increase the productivity of organization and ultimately contributes toward the development of economy of developing countries like Pakistan.
关键词:Organizational culture; Emotional intelligence; Performance; Education sector of Pakistan