出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The menace of cultism in Nigerian public universities both Federal and State owned universities cannot be undermined. It is a monster with its ravaging effects, leaving behind its tales of woes such as loss of lives of would-be leaders, disruption of academic calendars, rape, wanton destruction of school properties, waste of resources, loss of hopes and aspirations, blackmail, threat, kidnapping, armed robbery, prostitution, drug abuse and excessive consumption of alcohol. This paper delves into the meaning of cultism, highlights the historical development of cultism in Nigeria, discusses the rationale for cult related activities, elaborates on the menace and recommends the way forward to drastically curb its tenacious webs to make our universities safe, serene and secured, among which are full enforcement of the law against cultism, establishment of mobile police station in every universities and adequate funding to achieve 100% students hostel accommodation as the case with the private universities.