摘要:Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver e testar uma proposta baseada na gestão doconhecimento organizacional, que permitisse a uma operação de contact center, ao mesmo tempo,colher os benefícios da abordagem empowerment e minimizar os riscos dela decorrentes. Em umapesquisa experimental, intervencionista, com um componente de orientação crítica, estudou-se ocaso de uma destas operações em São Paulo. À luz dos resultados obtidos, é possível afirmar, sem,contudo, qualquer pretensão de generalização, que a gestão do conhecimento pode contribuir parauma efetiva implementação da abordagem empowerment em contact centers.↓This paper aimed at developing and testing a proposal based on knowledge management to enablea contact center operation to harvest the benefits of workforce empowerment while minimizing the risks ofsuch a managerial approach. In an experimental, interventionist research, flavored with a critical orientation,the case of such an operation in São Paulo was studied. In light of the findings, it is possible to conclude,without any room for generalization, however, that knowledge management can contribute to an effectiveimplementation of the empowerment approach in contact centers.
其他摘要:This paper aimed at developing and testing a proposal based on knowledge management to enablea contact center operation to harvest the benefits of workforce empowerment while minimizing the risks ofsuch a managerial approach. In an experimental, interventionist research, flavored with a critical orientation,the case of such an operation in São Paulo was studied. In light of the findings, it is possible to conclude,without any room for generalization, however, that knowledge management can contribute to an effectiveimplementation of the empowerment approach in contact centers.
关键词:Administração;gestão do conhecimento; empowerment; contact center; operações;Gestão do Conhecimento;knowledge management; empowerment; contact center; operations