出版社:Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
摘要:The study evaluates the cumulative path traveled by the subject originally submitted to the state of nature (hominization) to the condition of ‘human being’ made of instrumental complexity and cognitive (humanization) elements. Education becomes the constitution axis from hominization to humanization, through the assumptions of incorporation of habitus of human nature. Through Historical Materialist Theory, we described habitus as the exercise of practices repeated and incorporated into the formation of the subject, thus becoming a ‘second nature’. The Theory of Emancipation described in Kant and Horkheimer and Adorno, we check the status of liberty of the subjects by the incorporation of a practice primarily belonging to the world of reason (ethics and aesthetics) or by negative educational action.
关键词:habitus;theory of emancipation;education;habitus;teoría de la emancipación;educación;habitus;teoria da emancipação;educação.