摘要:Susceptibility of two wild strains of An. stepliens, collected from Kazeroun (ST-K.Az and Bandar-Abbas (ST-BAN), south of Iran was compared to fenthion, malathion, temephos , pirimiphos, methyk, deltamethrth, DDT dimilin and etopenprox as larvicides in the laboratory. Susceptibility test on the ST-KAZ strain indicated that this strain is susceptible to the named insecticides i.e. the resistance ratios remained between 0.91 to 1.37 folds that of the ST-TEH strain, the susceptible laboratory stock .The ST-BAN strain has the long history of insecticide — application like, DDT, dieldrin, malathion, propoxur, actellic lambdacyhalotith(icon) as adulicides and abate as a larvicide, therefor it showed different pattern of susceptibility to the latter insecticides. The ST-BAN strain showed susceptibility to DDT, deltamethrjn, etofenprox and dimilin, moderately tolerant to fenthion and temephos (i.e.reslstance ratios ranged between 1.67 to 1.75 folds) and tolerant to Pirimiphos~methyl and malathion with resistance ratio of about 2.37 folds , that of the ST-TEH strain. The observer’s tolerance in the ST-DAN strain to Pmmiphos-methyl (actellic) and malathion might be as the result of regular use of adulticides or abate in malaria control programs in south of Iran and develop of cross-tolerance in An.stephensj from Bandar-Abbas south of Iran.