摘要:In the study carried out in the ghassreghand district (Baluchistan Iran) from March through November, 1995, a 2 site Sandwich Enzyme – Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA5) were used to identify Plasinodjum falciparum and P.vivax sporozoite infection in 6 Anopheles species which collected monthly indoor resting habitats of 13 villages by "Pyrethrum spray catch" procedure. EIISA tests on 9016 mosquitoes detected 1.5% (53 of 3510) of Anopheles cuIjcifàcies , 0.27% (14 of 5090) of An. stephensi , 3.5% (8 of 226) of An. pulcherrimus and 0.67% (1 of’ ~50) of An. dthali were positive for P. falciparum and P. vivax sporozojte. Positive ELISA results revealed, seasonal malaria transmission in this part of Baluchjstan is from April through early November, and anopheline sporozoite rate is negatively by correlated with anopheline indoor resting density. In addition, An. culicifacies is considered as the main, and the rest of Anopheles species are secondary vectors of malaria in this highly endemic district.